Saturday, April 22, 2006

Roughs Finished!!!

Thats it! I've done the rough passes on all the scenes now. I've got to refine the animation on all the scenes, with the second and third scenes (Drugs and War) needing the most.

I think I'll try to put together the scenes with the title slates and the MIDI music I've got (no licensing needed, hee hee hee). I'll try to put up parts, if not all, of the War and Religion scenes soon.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Two templates; one from Facts of Life and one from Drugs. I use these in Toon Boom to help me draw the separate body parts.

Friday, April 14, 2006

The Floor Master

Well I've now put a floor plane into the scenes, SOMEBODY thought the girl was floating a bit. Thanks Doug, making me do more work........grumble grumble

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Second Scene Rough Pass

Click here to watch 'Drugs-12'

I'm not Dead........

Sorry for not updating in a while, call it a combination of work and laziness. The film is going well. I believe I'm just over half-way though the film and I'm currently working on the third scene. I'm also trying to get some music sorted out. We have the opportunity to show our films in the university cinema, but unfortunately this means that the music we use has to be fully licensced for use. This means that I can't use the piece of music I wanted unless a can buy a license for it.

The above picture is to show how I am working on this film. I make the seperate body parts and put some of them on the same layer, i.e. the arms and legs. This way I can put a rotation point at the joints to get a good sense of arm movement. I'll be putting up the rough pass I made of the second scene shortly. I still need to go over it again and put in the cat and the other small bits of animation (eyebrows, blinks).